Start saving links from internet and get more things done

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Organize with Category, Label and Note

Access from web, chrome, android devices. Trade bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies conveniently on the go as Bitcoin Prime is available for Android OS and Windows PC. If you are based in the UK, you can consider bitcoin prime UK, after taking the test.
Collect and organize
Collect your favorite items over web and organize with Notes, Categories and labels as per your priority or work habit
Assign categories while adding to organize your collection. Create categories like Favorite musics, Science projects, Inspirition, trading data and keep right things at right place to find easily later.
You can also save your business data offline. If you are into crypto trade and using bots to carry out the trade, it is not possible to monitor the trade throughout the day as the bot executes the trade for you. The app is suitable for the traders who are entering into the crypto trade for the first time. Therefore the basket app can help keep the data at the right place.
Assigning a label will make you more productive. Things you want to check or essential goes under selected label to consume content better than ever before
Did you save some random articles on Java programming ? but why ? Your note against item may have answer for that
Read articles offline
With Basket you can access and read your saved blog posts, articles in a clutter free environment, even offline
No Internet. No Problem
From our mobile app all articles will be saved for offline access. So if you are in a remote area stuck somewhere without internet, Basket can be your perfect companion to pass time, offering not only informative articles but also a selection of engaging casino games for your enjoyment even without an internet connection. Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of gambling and entertainment, all at your fingertips. Discover the excitement of 온라인카지노사이트 (online casino sites) and experience the ultimate convenience and enjoyment wherever you go.
Customize reading area
Reading articles under blanket in night ? Switch to dark mode for eye pleasure. Checking out articles while on bus ? Make fonts bigger for clear access

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